Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Why Obamacare’s loudest foe has no policy to replace it yet?

The 2016 Republican presidential primary has never actually been over the policy, but now that the race is down to 2 cartoon character villains and confused grandpa John Kasich, there is actually not much going besides personality clashes and speculative arguments about electability. When the candidates are not whacking each other for what they or group in their orbits have stated about each other’s spouses, they are arguing over which one of them does better in hypothetical match-ups against the Hillary Clinton. Anyone seeking for a substantive policy disagreement is going to be disappointed.

To that point, Politico issued a piece on the day of Monday noting that Ted Cruz – the scourge of Obamacare, the man who arranged the government hostage to try and kill off the Affordable Care Act – still does not have a health care plan. Cruz may style himself an anti-establishment Republican, but on health care policy he is right in line with Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and every other GOP member of the “Washington cartel” he rails against: they all hate Obamacare, and they all have no idea what should replace Obamacare. As Politico notes, Cruz is coming under some pressure from Republicans to get a plan out there now that he has emerged as the default choice for establishment kinds who are terrified of Donald Trump protecting the nomination.

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